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Thinking of an additional income making business ? We estimate that well over half of our clients who purchase carriages from us are using them in either a full time or part time business.
While the primary business people use them for is the wedding catering business, they are often used for anniversaries, proms and other type functions.
While others set up in front of restaurants ,city parks etc. and offer carriage rides to the public and often even develop contracts with business’s who will agree to “guarantee” a pre-agreed weekly income that they will subsidize if you do not make that amount. They are able to do this and write it off as an advertising expense.
Another fast growing business is doing motorcycle or horse drawn funerals. This is one of the easier ones to promote as all you need do is notify funeral directors within the area you are willing to drive too that the service is available. The funeral directors serve as a caterer and will normally make arrangements for your service for a small commission.
Now for the best part of this type business. If you are already feeding the horse you are not adding an overhead you do not already have . Depending on which vehicle you are going to use you generally are looking at an investment of under $20,000 for a vehicle ,harness and a years liability insurance .
If you would like to chat about the possibility of doing some type business in your area drop us an email with any questions you might have at
Andler's American Carriage Company

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